Please get in touch to arrange a free initial telephone consultation to help me to understand your needs and advise on how water therapy could benefit you.

Booking time 90 minutes.

When you arrive, you will get changed and check in face to face for a few minutes before entering the pool.

Once in the pool I will put floats on your legs and when you are ready, guide you to a floating position. Throughout the session you will feel supported by the water, myself and the floating equipment.

At the end of the session you will have enough time to shower and get changed.

You can wear swimwear or lightweight clothing in which you are comfortable in water.

Locations and Prices

Wood Green Pool - £120 - Sunday mornings

Chelsea Pool - £190 - Thursday and Friday evenings

More venues coming soon...

Get in Touch to Enquire and Book

Discover your Water Wellness

077 5631 4216